# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # (the "License") you may not use this file except in compliance with # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more Our instances utilize MDC logging to differentiate Camel Context IDs from individual Camera Trap ingest pipelines in separate Camel Contexts. You may find additional information about Karaf MDC logging in Camel and Servicemix / Karaf MDC logging.

#How to edit smx files update#
(OPTIONAL) Update .cfg to format the ServiceMix log entries and/or enable MDC logging. Avoid making changes while there is any in-flight message in the routes to avoid causing si.ct.wcs.dryrun config:update However, depending on how the blueprint property update strategy (none | reload) is configured in the Camel routes, it could refresh the Camel Context when the value change is propagated. This allows us to change the value and test the new config value without having to restart the ServiceMix. The properties defined in the externalized configuration file can be changed from the client console and the ServiceMix can pick up the change using the following commands. # A fuseki endpoint with datastore location included path (i.e. # A local file system directory path for keeping successfully synched to external storage such as AWS S3 on failed deployments # required if si.ct.scbi.enableS3Routes is set to true # A local file system directory path for keeping successfully synched to external storage such as AWS S3 on ingested deployments # An integer to define a maximum messages to gather per poll used in file and aws-s3 components

# Milliseconds before next poll of the file used in file and aws-s3 components # thread wait time(ms) used in the in-flight check processor to hold next threads while the parent object creation is being processed # AWS S3 bucket name for pushing problematic USCBI deployments which failed to ingest # AWS S3 bucket name for pushing successfully ingested USCBI deployments # AWS S3 bucket name for pulling down approved USCBI deployments # local file system path for staging deployments during automatic s3 pulldown workflow process # local file system path for ingesting ready to process deployments # threshold for the number of processing files in the local file system path for the deployment process directory # AWS secret key used for deployments automatic pulldown from S3 approved buckets # required if si.ct.uscbi.enableS3Routes is set to true # AWS access key used for deployments automatic pulldown from S3 approved buckets # Boolean that controls enabling of the automatic S3 sync (pull/push) of the USCBI deployments # Controls the USCBI CT routes to process deployments in a dry-run mode without the actual ingestions into Fedora

# Controls the WCS CT routes to process deployments in a dry-run mode without the actual ingestions into Fedora # Controls the SCBI CT routes to process deployments in a dry-run mode without the actual ingestions into Fedora # config:property-set si.ct.wcs.dryrun true # For example, you may edit an existing property configured in this file via the SMX client commands and propagate the changes # and you can update through the karaf admin console to change the value # The properties defined in this file will be made available through karaf config properties # those of third-party libraries, please see the product release notes.
#How to edit smx files license#
For a complete copy of all copyright and license terms, including # his distribution includes several third-party libraries, each with their own # otherwise, even if any of the parties has been warned of the possibility of # profits or loss of data, on any basis arising from contract, tort or # or punitive damages of any kind or nature, including but not limited to lost # (5) will not be liable for any indirect, incidental, consequential special # is error-free or will be maintained, supported, updated or enhanced # infringe privately owned rights (4) do not warrant that the software # the software (3) do not represent that use of the software would not # liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of # particular purpose, title or non-infringement (2) do not assume any legal # limited to any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a # (1) expressly disclaim any warranties, express or implied, including but not The copyright holder and the Smithsonian Institution: # This software and accompanying documentation is supplied without # use this file except in compliance with the License.You may obtain a copy of # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") you may not # Copyright 2015 Smithsonian Institution.